Fortnite Save the World - Development Roadmap (3/10)

Fortnite Save the World - Development Roadmap (3/10)

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Save the World - Development Roadmap (3/10)

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 05:23 PM PST

Hello Fortnite Community,

We've got another roadmap update for you, and to call something out specifically that /u/squashman22 mentioned in their comment the Super Shielder enemy updated art on the Shielder Husk will be implemented in v3.4 and the Super Shield Enemy will arrive at a later date.
Patch 3.3 (~3/TBD)

  • Spring It On Event
  • Luck of the Storm Quest-line (A Fortnight of quests!)
  • Four Themed Heroes
  • Themed Survivor

Patch 3.3.1 (TBD)

  • New Fire Trap in Event Store

Patch 3.4 (~3/21)

  • Spring it on Event
  • Updated Quest-line!
  • Two Themed Heroes
    • A fuzzy friend
  • Combat Pro Support

Be on the lookout for new enemies, hoverboard additions and lots of visual/audio updates to all Hero abilities. We hear you about AFK, Trading and general global chat pain points and are in discussion to improve that as we speak. Going forward, you can expect these roadmaps every 2 weeks. We want to keep you updated, make sure you have the proper info in line with our development process!

submitted by /u/PoppinFreshDoze
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Pretty much.

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:14 PM PST

8 New Mission Type Ideas

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 11:58 AM PST

[BUG] Be careful jumping over 1x3 walls. They'll get ya.

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 07:23 PM PST


Posted: 11 Mar 2018 07:49 AM PDT

No one ever had an issue with this at all before the updates. It's honestly so goddamn stupid that epic would allow all this negativity to brew in their community because of something they can just flip a switch on. It is negligent and unacceptable.

submitted by /u/DavidHDFootball
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Remember rocket riding? This is him now. Feel old yet?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 04:50 AM PDT

Epic, why have community managers if you’re not going to use them?(or let them do their job)

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 01:14 AM PST

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like Epic expect their community managers to act like forum moderators rather than actual community managers. Epic's poor communication with their player base is only reinforced by these canned responses, non-answer fluff, and redundant damage control statements. Making it painfully obvious that their actions are extremely restricted to the point where an automated phone system would have more freedom and opinions than they do.

I would find it quite depressing to have practically the whole subreddit upset about problems pop up left and right, and the only way I can reply to these issues are with non-answers that only agitate the community even further.

To the community managers, if you are listening and are being held captive please say "We're sorry, we should have communicated better with you guys. We have many things planned for StW so stay tuned. :)" But seriously I'm sorry y'all have to put up with all that's been happening lately. I hope things start getting easier soon.

submitted by /u/wakeofimpact
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I feel that if they would just keep the game at $40 permanently, and start moving away from the F2P model, STW would be perfectly fine

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 07:40 PM PST

When I bought the game and started playing, I genuinely had no idea it was supposed to eventually release as a F2P game. Mainly because the game doesn't feel like other F2P games. Aside from the constant grind nature of the game, there really isn't many F2P aspects to it.

Loot llamas can be bought with real world money but can also be earned pretty easily through daily quests and normal missions. Even then, loot boxes aren't exclusive to F2P anymore. I'm trying to think of more examples that make this game a F2P style of game but there really isn't.

Usually these type of games have some regular currency that can be gathered through grinding (all the different XPs we have) and then one that is borderline unobtainable without real money. VBucks are supposed to be that second currency but like I said before, if you have patience you will never have to buy VBucks (never have and was able to buy TONS of llamas as well as this season's Battle Pass, Legendary skin, pickaxe, and 1000+ left over that I'm waiting to use). It almost feels like they decided to give the F2P model a shot but ended up with some hybrid F2P and P2P, which doesn't work.

If they decided permanently make this game $40, a little less grindy, and FINALLY listened to community on stat caps and general nerfs for no reason, this game really could be something.

TL;DR: Keep the game at $40 forever, make it a big deal when you officially finish the story, and just develop it as you would a pay to play game. This hybrid between the two isn't working for anyone (the players and Epic).

submitted by /u/RollChi
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Add the ability to see what mission the "Play with others" option puts you in.

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 04:37 AM PDT

Title. I want to help others with SSD and by pressing the Play With Others option it puts you in a random mission without any details as to what it is until you start loading in. I know people are going to say use the chat but we all know the spam for trades are outrageous. Just give us the ability to see what mission we are going to play or give us the option to search for players who are looking for help for their SSD.

submitted by /u/Cannibal_Nemo
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My Plankerton base has reset! I'm flipping out right now!

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:10 PM PST

My weekend in StW, in 10 steps.

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 03:39 AM PDT

  1. Tried playing my Ranger load out and it felt like swimming in molasses. I have some high crit damage that just doesn't go off enough to be counted on in a fight.

  2. Ran a double Raider loadout and it was nerfed into the ground. Again, it was pretty crit dependant and those crits aren't happening enough to be counted on.

  3. Tried playing my Dragon load out and it was greatly hampered by the mag size nerf, which hit hard on my Thrasher, which was a perfect little gun for Dragon Slash. Not as bad a hit as my Ranger but noticeably weaker.

  4. Just went back to UAH, which is even more solidified in the top spot. So much for more varied loadouts.

  5. Got a legendary soldier transform from a reward and used two legebsary Centurions and received a legendary Centurion.

  6. Hit a jackpot on the troll llama I had vbucks saved for (no way am I spending money to get them, these days) and got three Slice and Dice swords and a Centurion.

  7. Ran a few later CV missions (pl64s), got paired with two kids around pl35, who followed me around, begging for stuff. I was lucky enough to get paired with them two missions in a row.

  8. Tried to run a Plank SSD 10 with three others. All of us were over pl75. I'm not sure how clamped my stats were but it was basically impossible. We quit out in the 2nd wave.

  9. I stared at the screen, wondering why Epic would do this to their game?

  10. I re-downloaded Horizon Zero Dawn to finally play that DLC, while I shop around for something to replace Fortnite.


submitted by /u/PeetSquared41
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Why are my stats capped at level 20 if Im level 40 fighting level 40 mobs on my own SSD?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 05:50 AM PDT

Long time lurker, first time posting. I bought the game on sale in January because it looked fun with a mix of RPG and Tower Defense but with the last updates I just lost all the hopes I had on this game..I just tried to solo plankerton 8 against lvl40 mobs and I got destroyed. I have kill tunnels everywhere but my traps are doing close to nothing (my stats went from 422 to 195 (tech)), it takes me half a magazine to kill a normal husk with a level 50 dragons roar. Also is there any word on the biomes yet? They keep doing events and new guns but it's not like I have enough schematic xp to evolve any gun. I stick with just two now, dragons roar and hydra and I cant even keep up with those two. This game has tremendous potential but they just keep focusing on the wrong stuff. The matchmaking is a joke. I just did a lvl 40 mission in Plankerton with a level 6 in it... Why is this a thing? The main quest is a joke. 7 years in development and the best they can come up with is do 3 fight the storm, do 3 retrieve the data? Not sure if Bungie Epic hired actual writers for a story but they need to be fired, honestly its really poor. Sorry for the long rant and any typos. English is not my first language

submitted by /u/holycheesefries
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Punish the players of your game, don't reward them.

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:15 AM PST

This is your philosophy corporate offices at EPIC
- You punish your players for being too high level
- You punish players for having good RNG through your child gambling lootboxes
- Players are punished for Playing their own shield defenses.
- Players are punished for farming tickets in zones that give them
- Players are punished for putting all resources into one good schematic they most likely paid $$$ for
- Players are punished for playing too much of the game and have to wait on time out for the rewards to refresh
- You blame us for not providing feedback when there is insurmountable feedback on every platform that is being completely ignored
- Keep punishing your players. When the game fails, don't say you did all that you could. Nobody is going to play a game that puts them in time out for just playing the game.
- You sit there and punish me by not finishing the game you advertised as finished and by not issuing my refund. This game is nothing like it was advertised give me my money back and never again market an unfinished game as a finished one.

Edit: There have been 0 patches since I purchased the game 225 days ago that have addressed the main story to finish the other 2(corrected) zones in the game. At least 50%+ (corrected) Of this game has been unfinished and they have shown little to no effort in striving to finish it. All their effort goes in to preventing players from progressing that far in the first place.

submitted by /u/swankierllama
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My Canny Valley base is ALL GONE!

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:19 PM PST

I was using my constructor to build up my base in preparation for a SSD. Then after all my traps and materials were laid, I exited. I then change back to my ninja and go to do a mission. When I load in the mission I see all my materials are there still so after I finish I load back in to canny to work on it again and to my dismay, EVERYTHING IS GONE. All my level 3 wall, floors, ceiling. All of which held traps. ALL GONE. What's odd is my amplifiers are still there but the entire base was reset. I spent hours working on this base. Anybody else have this issue? What can I do?

submitted by /u/Rise_up_Dirty_Birds
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Epic: Please don’t give up.

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 12:05 PM PST

I don't want to whine about the game or money spent on it but i just hope that stw stays alive because it is a great game and i would be so disappointed to see it die.

submitted by /u/Rotary20
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Should i buy stw?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 05:09 AM PDT

Hello everybody, recently i started playing fortniteBR after i saw it at twitch and i had a lot of fun.I was considering buying the pve version of fortnite because it seems fun but after reading threads in this subreddit i am not sure if i should buy it anymore.What do you guys think is it worth buying after the last updates or should i stay away for now

submitted by /u/WildPanda1996
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Really? (I'm the level 40 guy)

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:48 PM PST

Is there a post for newcomers to read and maybe understand StW a little better? If not I would appreciate some help

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 05:36 AM PDT

I just started StW a couple days ago and I've been going kinda slow. I'm PL12 Not at ssd4 in Stonewood yet. I explore almost every mission, and I just was hoping someone could help me understand what decisions are better. What gun perks should I be looking for in certain schematics? And what survivors and defenders should I put where for squads?

TLDR: I need help getting a better understanding of how the game works and what to look for in schematics.

Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/SpoiledSouls
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Open Letter to Epic

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:21 PM PST

Haha, j/k!

Here's a mostly catch-all for y'all community managers' "reasons" and "assurances" comments I've gathered over just a couple weeks!

Quite a stockpile to choose from! Feel free to add more in the comments and I can keep this updated!

Hope it alleviates a bit of that typing y'all do! Cheers!

And go:

  • Hopefully this week we'll have more news. We have several developers actively working on it.

  • We still have some exciting stuff to share with you guys.

  • We've discovered that the *bug* in the X missions were *insert problem here*. We have a fix set for patch X.X. Stay tuned!

  • We're currently in discussions on how we can make this right for the community. Stay tuned!

  • This is an issue that we needed to bring to players attention.

  • We're in talks of how to we can better address this for the community.

  • I definitely understand the frustrations with the changes to *insert issue here*. We're currently in discussion on how to better address this.

  • We're currently tracking the overall *change here* to make sure it is performing as intended. If there is an issue with this system we will make the necessary adjustments.

  • Hey guys! We're currently tracking this to make sure it's working as intended. We will make any adjustments if something is broken.

  • Hey guys! We're currently chasing this one to make sure everything is working as intended.

  • We agree that this has been around for quite a while. This definitely isn't the intention to leave stuff like this lingering for a while. We've ramped up efforts to fix the top bugs among the community.

  • We agree! It's being actively worked on. I know on the face it seems simple but there's actually a lot of under-the-hood stuff we have to account for in order to make sure we don't break the game. Hopefully we can talk about it more in the near future! Keep an ear and eye out for our dev updates.

  • Please keep giving us feedback where it breaks, we need your help to make it awesome.

  • Can't wait to share some of the other stuff we're thinking about!

  • We can only show you through action. Hope we can prove it to you.

  • We've got a bug on a dev to investigate this. Sorry about that!

  • We're still looking into it.

  • STW definitely has some great things coming.

  • I've seen this topic pop up more and more. I've sent this over to dev team for awareness. Thanks guys!

  • Hey guys! We're currently working to resolve the log in issues players are encountering. You can find more information on the status of this at our official status page. We're also providing updates via social channels.

  • We're currently in discussions on how to better handle situations like this. Currently, the report feature and the email option are the best ways to report and repeated offenders will find themselves banned.

submitted by /u/NobleCeltic
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Unlimited Building Materials After Clearing SSD 10

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 12:25 PM PST

As a reward for clearing shield defenses of a certain base, could we get unlimited materials to build with there? Obviously the building limit would stay in place, but why not make it easier to build the hoverboard race tracks and other interesting home bases that everyone enjoys?

submitted by /u/awildNeLbY
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EPIC, any information about tech tree please ?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PDT

I already saw some topic about it, but i didnt see any answer yet.

I'll unlock my LAST node of the 4th tech tree in something like 10 days. I would know if you guys have planned something about it, to use our points (since with pure maths, it was simple to anticipate when first players would unlock all nodes).

If not, any possiblity to remove the storage cap for the ones who have unlocked all, in order to stack points for further adding (5th tree or anything else)?

Thanks for any answer !

submitted by /u/Spycki
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Another batch of New Items from Storm Shield One DB

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 05:03 PM PST

21-Gun Salute (Assault Burst)

Old Betsy (Sniper Rifle with Scope)

Arquebus (Sniper Rifle)

Flame Grill Floor Trap

and in the abilities section something called "Husk Pheromones" appeared :D

There are also other things there, but I didn't mention them since A1Getdismoney already did a video about them

submitted by /u/Drake84pl
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How are you supposed to get help with SSD's?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 08:28 AM PDT

The global chat ignores me as they only spam "TRADE" "THIS GUY SCAMMED ME" Every time I try to search for help from Storm shield, no one is using "Play with others" it seems.

What's the best way to get help with SSD's now? On Xbox in Plankerton btw

submitted by /u/Ekultron
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Is this worthy of levelling up?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 08:23 AM PDT

What's the deal with outraged people recently ?

Posted: 11 Mar 2018 04:28 AM PDT

I see many people complaining on the sub saying they will leave the game and get a refund, I heard about "stat cap" but I don't know what it means, could someone explain to me what is happening ?

submitted by /u/Zemedicisaspy
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