Fortnite Restoration of Dragon Weapons
Fortnite Restoration of Dragon Weapons |
- Restoration of Dragon Weapons
- v.3.3 Delayed
- Obsidian VS Shadowshard
- [X] Do not show again
- Imagine how much extra time Epic would have to deal with tickets if every stupid 13 year old with an internet connection wasn't going to a vbucks generator website and crying hacked later.
- So how do people do their Retrieve the Data/ Atlas forts?
- Show off Your best base design for each type of mission.
- Epic, instead of releasing reskinned heroes, you should focus on reskinning the curre t biomes..
- v3.3 Coming Tomorrow - March 14
- There should be a bonus for completing a SSD by yourself
- Can we please update the Canny and Twine Peak biomes?
- In a perfect world, new biomes for Plank, Canny, Twine and different music styles to go with each would be a thing.
- Traders goodbye
- How's the development of Fortnite doing?
- Epic, you can't make the spring llamas such a grind to get, and then give me the same damn items over and over
- [Rant] State of the World
- Fortnite STW
- Paid for V bucks but havent received them
- Plankerton Homebase Fortress
- What is the best way to get the Master Grenadier?
- Help!
- [PS4] Looking for others to play stw
- Build edit mode getting cancelled - Minor annoyance
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 05:01 PM PDT Hey Folks,
As a follow-up to our recent message about the 3.2 changes, we'll be restoring Dragon Weapon schematics affected by the rerolls introduced in v3.2 back into your Armory. You'll get to keep your current Dragon Weapon schematics as well.
We're rolling out the Dragon Weapon grants tonight (3/13) for the players affected.
Thanks for being patient with us!
EDIT 11:05PM EST: The restoration is complete and players should have their original Dragon Weapon schematic in their Armory. If you don't see it then you may need to restart the game.
EDIT 9:00AM EST: It appears that not all players received their old schematics. We're currently looking into this and will update when we know more. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 05:09 PM PDT We discovered an issue that will prevent us from releasing v3.3 tomorrow, March 14. We're working on solving that problem now and will update you once we know more. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Mar 2018 05:21 AM PDT Hey guys, Whitesushi here. Deciding between whether to Obsidian or Shadowshard our weapons in Fortnite has been a long standing "issue" of sorts and following a recent update to my spreadsheet (literally 30 minutes ago), I felt it was a good time to clear it up once and for all. Before I jump in, I finally added the option for users familiar with my TDPS calculator to select between Shadowshard/ Obsidian via a "tick and cross" drop-down menu as seen here. (You can check out the spreadsheet and play with the tables yourself over at
Opting to "Shadowshard" your weapon will result in
which in turn has consequences on other sections of my table. I have also taken time to fix my "Weapon LVL" formula which would previously give users a much lower reading for weapons with higher base damage such as the Hydra The DamageDamage is one of my priority concerns so this is a good angle to kick off the analysis. To find out the impact of Shadowsharding, we compare the damage values of one of my favourite weapons, the Hydra. The Hydra is picked due to its fixed yet extremely mediocre selection of perks. Keying in the values into my table like this, we get
Overall, this translates to the Shadowshard Hydra winning in DMG/Shot by 20% and in DPS by 11.98%. This doesn't tell us much because all along, we knew that Shadowshard results in more damage. However, we can examine the effects of heroes on this difference by assuming different loadouts with the setup. If the player runs
As you can see here, the effectiveness of Shadowsharding a weapon is dependent on your loadout. Heroes with more fire rate gets more DPS out of Shadowsharding their weapons whereas heroes with more damage scaling gets less out of it. But what about the weapon we are using? Does that matter? To find out, we substitute Hydra with a weapon with higher fire rate such as the Nocturno. In this scenario which looks like this,
In this case, the Shadowshard Nocturno has 13.02% more TDPS than its Obsidian counterpart. Noticed the trend yet? I went one step further and dumped a 50% fire rate perk onto both Nocturnos and guess what, the TDPS difference increased to 14.23% In other words, weapons with more fire rate benefit more from Shadowshard The EfficiencyShadowsharding a weapon isn't only about giving it more damage at the expense of some fire rate. A Shadowshard weapon also has less durability, 20% less to be precise. In order to evaluate the impact of this reduced durability, we need to consider how much damage can it put out in a single craft. Luckily, I already have a table setup for that
If we just look at the Nocturnos in this table here, we see that the Shadowshard Nocturno (left) deals less damage per craft as compared to the Obsidian Nocturno (right) even though we established earlier that the Shadowshard Nocturno wins in both Damage/Shot and TDPS. The exact difference comes out to be 4.17% in favour of the Obsidian Nocturno.
We don't stop here and instead go back to examine the Hydra for comparison sake. Not surprisingly, the efficiency difference comes out to be exactly 4.17%. Last but not least, we're going to compare the Hydra against the Nocturno in efficiency, both before and after Shadowsharding. It looks something like this table
What we can takeaway from these comparisons is that Shadowshard will always be less efficient in terms of damage/ clip as compared to Obsidian Is it worth it?While it does appear we have covered everything, we must not forget that the availability of both resources also play a part. In fact if you haven't already realised, this factor plays the biggest part in helping you decide if it's worth Shadowsharding your weapon especially since the earlier factors result in really minute differences. Let's say
If this player chooses to only Obsidian his weapons, even though he's tapping on that 4.17% efficiency per craft, he's actually losing 50% efficiency in resource usage. So he should then have 1 Obsidian weapon and 1 Shadowshard weapon right? Well not really Especially since
This means that having both an Obsidian Hydra and a Shadowshard Hydra doesn't make sense because they both serve the same purpose. Examples of weapons serving different purpose would be like, you know
In an energy vs element specific setup, the player would essentially run 1 Obsidian/Shadowshard Energy weapon and 3 Obsidian/Shadowshard Fire/Water/Nature weapons. This could be either
So the obvious questions you have now would be.... along with the answers of course
Well against fire enemies with an energy base, the Shadowshard Nocturno does 13.02% more DPS than the Obsidian Nocturno and this value remains the same for a water base. This means that the damage output is irrelevant regardless of which element base you Shadowshard which in turn means we prioritize efficiency per craft instead. Considering how Energy should be a more general-purpose weapon which you will use a lot more, it benefits from having more efficiency per craft and it is thus better to Obsidian it.
Even though you craft 3 weapons, 1 for each element, you will only be using 1 of them at any time since you only want to counter 1 element (and of course since you can only use 1 weapon as mentioned in the "protip"). As such, the rate at which you expend each individual element-specific weapon would be 1/3 the rate at which you use the general purpose weapon.
Overall, what we can take away from this section would be that the theoretically most effective way of allocating resources is to have 1 energy based weapon on Obsidian and 3 element specific weapons on Shadowshard The DisclaimersWith all analyses, there exist caveats and scenarios where my analyses would not apply to certain groups of people. For example
There are many other situations I could think of but listing them all is fairly meaningless especially since you guys should get the point by now. The ConclusionSo far, we learnt that
While how the player eventually decides to allocate their resources is entirely up to their own preference, the "efficient way I would recommend" is to Obsidian an energy weapon and Shadowshard 3 separate element specific weapons. Thanks for reading through my lengthy post as always and I hope this finally clears up the "age-long" confusion between whether to Obsidian or Shadowshard your weapons. If I made any mistakes in my analysis, let me know in the comments and I will correct them asap. Similarly if you wish for me to compare any weapons for you, drop it in the comments as well. TL;DR The most efficient setup would be to have 1 Obsidian Energy weapon (general-purpose) and 3 Shadowshard Element-specific weapons (target-specific) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Mar 2018 05:38 AM PDT
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Posted: 13 Mar 2018 03:54 PM PDT You're cancer to our ticket queues. Please stop being naive. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
So how do people do their Retrieve the Data/ Atlas forts? Posted: 13 Mar 2018 03:47 PM PDT
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Show off Your best base design for each type of mission. Posted: 14 Mar 2018 04:42 AM PDT Let all see Your best, most effective base designs for any type of mission, let new players see what's good to build. Maybe Your design can impress even hardcore players :) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Epic, instead of releasing reskinned heroes, you should focus on reskinning the curre t biomes.. Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:50 AM PDT Ok I get it, you have no idea on what to do with the story, but instead of giving us reskinned heroes every week, could you focus on updating the looks of Canny Valley and Twine Peaks? Seriosuly, us players and the game itself would benefit from different biomes for each area rather than copy pasted heroes with different coats of paint. The grind gets boring when you visit the same looking town/forest for the 1000th time. EDIT: current* on title, missed the "n". [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
v3.3 Coming Tomorrow - March 14 Posted: 13 Mar 2018 12:38 PM PDT Update: We discovered an issue that will prevent us from releasing v3.3 tomorrow, March 14. We're working on solving that problem now and will update you once we know more.
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There should be a bonus for completing a SSD by yourself Posted: 14 Mar 2018 02:47 AM PDT Just completed a storm defense at my base all on my lonesome... died 3 times and barely clutched out the victory. Why am I getting worse loot/xp than my last defense where I had 2 randoms helping me and it was a cake walk? Not to mention my base got completely wrecked. Cost me 500+ metal and lost most of my traps... [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Can we please update the Canny and Twine Peak biomes? Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:32 AM PDT Seriously, if Epic wont finish the game, can we at least get matching biomes for Canny and Twine to their respective storm shields? If we have to grind through boring missions in those areas, at least a change in look of the environments would keep things fresh. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:29 AM PDT Seriously, I want new biomes for each area, tired of the same Stonewood looms for each. In a perfect world, we would have gotten different biomes for each area and probably different music styles for each while keeping the musical notes similar, for example:
But then again, this is not a perfect world, and Battle Royale is their only focus.. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 04:02 PM PDT Moment i see "trade" in chat i block I dont care what power level you are how long have you been playing what guns you have im blocking you moment you use that word. Global chat became piece of shit that no one wants to read moment i join game i see 5 messesages asking for fucking trade and when i need a fucking help with ssd or mission there is no living fucking player in game that wants to read chat. Epic all i ask of you is to fucking ban word trade in global chat or make 10$ special chat for mentaly ill kids that want to fucking collect guns in fortnite like pokemon cards. And one more thing this game was on it's peak before xmas it was sooo good but no you made sale and every fucking kid from BR heard that they can fucking get free V-Bucks for playing and they want to speed it the fuck up because they dont care at all they just want skins in BR fuck THAT do you have idea how it feels to be begged every fucking day for guns oh MY FUCKING GOD its likecancer growing on me at this moment . If you are not gonna take care of trading or make something for trading i have no idea just make global chat usefull again i dont wanna spend my few hourse after work that i have on searching for people who want to play and not fucking trade latly i have been doing more solo missions than my whole time playing this game . Im sorry for bad english not my first language but i had to get this off my chest it got me so mad today, and sorry for f bombs [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
How's the development of Fortnite doing? Posted: 14 Mar 2018 04:37 AM PDT Hello, I was really excited about fortnite since they revealed it, but now that Fortnite: Battle Royale is a thing, I can't find anything about the base game and I'm really nervous about buying Fortnite, because I'm scared that Epic Games might stop with it and continue with development of BR. Anyone who could give me an update on the development of Fortnite: Save The World? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 08:17 AM PDT No joke, 99% of the spring llamas I've opened have given me the epic blunderbuss, over 15 of them, and today after grinding the last 2 days to get 1, yeah 1 spring llama, guess what I got? Yup, the epic blunderbuss 😲😲😲 I'm done griinding for days just to get some trash I've gotten nearly every freaking llama. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Mar 2018 04:01 AM PDT Fortnite was a game that felt incredibly fresh, showed a lot of promise but missed it's mark and got further and further from the goal. At first major issues and setbacks were forgivable (Storm Shield Forts reset and "balance" changes based off of Devs opinions etc). We were even told there would be more to the game (additional areas even beyond Canny Valley & Twine Peaks). "It's still in beta" was a huge excuse we gave this game for screwing up things and taking a very long time to implement QoL changes. We as a community are so use to getting "cucked" that when Epic does something they should have done a long time ago (fix a bug/problem or take care of a screw up) we shower them with praise. The burst in frustration didn't just stem from the dragon weapons re-rolls, SSD issues or the major screw ups with the game balancing, it's the fact that a lot of us are tired of the constant failures, being screwed, and having to go out of our way to a forum page to get things fixed/done. This game is honestly like no other and it's sad to see it be neglected. We get gimmick events that throw us a bone or two but in the end, we're not really getting what we want. There's little to no reason to progress anymore and fear of losing money is the only real way the devs started "stepping up". Battle Royale is great, lots of fun, various new game modes, not perfect but you can pinpoint its success through the weekly updates & changes, Micro-transactions (that get you exactly what you want) and the battle pass that rewards you (with real rewards NOT garbage) for playing daily and reaching milestones. We at STW barely get new features or "real" updates. It seems the devs have an enormous amount of wonderful ideas and designs but hardly any of them make it to our mode. We can all understand that BR is the big boy now that brings in the money but what about the guys who supported you to get to this point? What about the "OG" (original game). I'm not going to go through every single problem that Save The World has but I just want to say that even if epic fixes its mistakes, that is NOT a job well done. Epic has yet to fix many many MANY issues or refuse to take the communities thoughts and ideas. To name a couple:
It's time for me to stop hoping and start realizing that no matter how much I enjoy and love this game that it may be too late before it gets the attention it needs. STW has turned into a Vbucks earning service for BR. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Mar 2018 07:26 AM PDT I came to play Fortnite because of the PvE/STW mode... but last year it said it would exit EA in 2018, though I wanted to buy the founders packs, I just don't have that kind of disposable income. I was just curious if there was any tentative release date, or any information on it at all... I just dont want this to die because of a battle royale... [Just like Paragon :(, I really liked it...] [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Paid for V bucks but havent received them Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:07 PM PDT So ive seen alot of issues with people not getting v bucks lately and of course my brother is having issues with it now. He doesnt have a reddit so i figured id make the post for him. He bought 2 of the 1000 v buck packs so he could buy the legendary troll truck llama and 1000 of the v bucks still havent showed up. He sent in a ticket but i wanted to make a post here as well considering some people dont get responses for months and the llama is only in the shop for a day. Thanks for any help in advance. This is my first post on here so sorry if theres anything wrong with it. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:42 AM PDT
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What is the best way to get the Master Grenadier? Posted: 14 Mar 2018 05:25 AM PDT I'm not sure if this was asked already but where do you have the best chance of getting her? I'm looking for a powerful soldier that i can use threw the end of the game (i'm 1/3 of the way threw plankerton) Edit: Thanks for all the quick responses [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Mar 2018 12:41 AM PDT bought $10 worth of vbucks on playstation store and i was charged but haven't gotteb the vbucks.. wuss goin on man? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
[PS4] Looking for others to play stw Posted: 14 Mar 2018 08:09 AM PDT So I'm level 20, and I'm noticing the difficulty just goes from 2 to 10 real quick. Playing with random people doesn't seem to cut it, because they don't communicate at all and they just randomly start stuff and then walk away. I just use a keyboard. If you feel like you could benefit from being added to a squad at any random time, add me on psn: Xaiven. Is there a discord or something people typically use for this? Maybe with enough interest we could set one up if not? Clans are clearly not a thing... Right? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Build edit mode getting cancelled - Minor annoyance Posted: 14 Mar 2018 08:07 AM PDT This is a minor annoyance, but one I still see on a regular basis and I wish it would get fixed. When building something, whether wall, floor or stairs, you press 'G' to edit the build shape, select the tiles and then press 'G' again to accept. That is understood. But, something that I see happen a lot, especially in the Tower Build missions, is if you are trying to edit a shape before placing it and happen to slightly move your cursor away, or aim at a spot where you can't build anything, when you press 'G', the character mutters "Can't" and cancels out of build mode back to your last equipped weapon. In some of the giant towers you have to build, there are places where the piece you need to place is a little hard to line up or at the maximum distance you can reach. So when you are at your maximum distance trying to get that last 2-block wall on the 3rd floor, slightly move the cursor and hit 'G' to accept, he says "nope" and cancels back to your weapon. Happens a lot when trying to do stairs, since you can barely see the edit grid for them anyway when you get up high. Why does it cancel back to your weapon instead of just not accepting the change and letting us try again? Again, minor annoyance, but I wish it didn't cancel out of build mode every time you misalign something. [link] [comments] |
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